Media as we know it is changing. whether this is for the better I cannot say. I can say that, when you compare today's media to that produced fifty or more years ago you can see a remarkable difference in the way it is packaged and sold.
Today more digital media is sold, allowing a more flexible presentation of content. While the stories follow the familiar movement of Freytag's triangle -having a beginning, middle and an end- it strays off a bit by allowing heavy user interactions. That is, it allows users to chose how they want to view the media as well how much and in what order. This form of choosing does exist in the traditional form of publishing as well but mostly allows for one possible outcome.
The first of these to come out were text based RPGs and choose your own adventure books. They changed how people thought of producing content and even the way the creators interacted with their followers. with each book or game made creators provided the raw content needed for users who can pick and choose what is best for them or even re-invent more ways to enjoy the content stretching the enjoyment out from hours to days or even weeks.
While maybe books, games and movies are still published in the traditional style there is a growing niche market for media that incorporates multiple plot lines.
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