During the course of my class, Telling Story in a Digital Format, I have been subjected to the horror that is an interactive script. Half of the problem for me lines in the script part of this assignment. I hate scripts but for any media related task for broadcast you need to have a script. the other half of this problem deals with the interactive portion of the script. The IF/THEN moments that allowed the story to be interactive and more tailored to suit a variety of audiences. This combined was my hell and this post is the culmination of my three and half weeks in said hell.
Interactive media give the audience a variety of choice when they pick up a product, however this practice is hard on the writer, especially when said writer is unable to organize themselves properly. I am one of those authors. My project was a ten page horror themed script, complete with five IF/THEN moments and various twists.
During the outlining phase this seemed quite easy. Write four short stories instead one? Ok but in practice it was horrible. I found the IF/THEN moments kicked my ass harder than harder than the Canadians kicked the American's asses in the war of 1812. It was brutal and actually lead to me leaving my home late at night to escape the insanity that is an interactive script. (Note: Don't do this it is, you can be kidnapped without anyone knowing)
Of course all of this was just the script, there were the character maps we had to fill out as well as the story maps. Never again...
At the end of this assignment my teacher posed the question, "Would I do it again if offered a $100,000?" My answer:
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