Tuesday 9 October 2012

Telling Stories in the New Millennium

At the turn of the new millennium stories began going digital. Anyone with a camera and some free time wanted to have their shot at fifteen minutes of fame. To this end everyone was running around making indie movies and trying to hit it big with very few success stories and lots of movies that would never see a large enough audience to give investors the confidence they needed to support up and coming artists.

 This is how Youtube began. With Youtube's birth, many up and coming directors, producers, actors and singers could have their shot at making it big and being discovered but it also opened the door for more hobbits movie makers, re-inventing the way we see digital stories.

The usual format for a digital story is beginning, middle and end, this introduces the audience to the topic, builds suspense and resolves any problems formed during the timeline. With youtube videos there is no need for an introduction as the audience can see the creator and interact with him/her by leaving comments or even posting response videos.

 The story doesn't even have to end and can continue for as long as the user posts videos.

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